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Faculty by Campus

Faculty are listed under the campus locations where they teach, different office locations are noted.

View faculty members that teach online.

9200 113 St. N., Seminole, FL 33772

This campus offers associate and certificate programs, as well as bachelor's and graduate programs through the University Partnership Center. Surrounded by beautiful pine woodlands, this campus features a natural habitat park and environmental center. It also is the home of the College's Institute for Public Policy and the Seminole Community Library, which opened in 2003 as a partnership between the college and the City of Seminole. This campus focuses on using technology to improve teaching and learning through the college's eCampus operation and the office for Web and Instructional Technology Services.
Julie Anne Adamich-Scheblein *
Christina Alexander
Yanira Angulo-Cano
Elena Antonaras
Leja Apple *
Rita Applegate
Erick Ashley
Peter Bagley *
Anthony Ballard *
Mary Berg -
Mark Billiris
Angela Blackshaw *
Jeffrey Bloom *
Jaylene Boccio -
Bryan Bowhall
Megan Branham
Annaliese Brennan-Kupper
Lawrence Bross *
Terah Browning
Gregory Buschman *
Robert Calabrisi
Kari Calicchio *
Tiffany Cantrell *
Marilyn Carrasquillo *
Franklin Castillo Andino *
Elizabethann Chambers -
Sophie Champigny-Hotel
Jody Charleston *
Petr Cheskidov *
Ariane Chicles *
Gezime Christian
Eleni Christopoulos *
Haley Codol
Glen Colflesh *
Eugene Cottle
Robert Cundiff *
Philias Daka -
Catherine Davis *
Manuel De Leon Perez
Sari Deitche *
Jay Dugan *
Deborah Cerminaro Eldridge *
David Fitzgerald *
Chelsea Fletcher *
Shonda Flores *
Earl Fratus *
Karen Fritch *
Clifton Garrison
Amanda Gilleland
Ariel Gilpin
Venita Gilstrap *
Rebecca Givens *
Timothy Godcharles *
Kelley Goethals
Tricia Gorham
Shashikant Goswami
Sheree Greer *
Jennifer Gregor
Cynthia Grey
Jennifer Haber *
Jennifer Hacker
Linnea Hall *
John Hargiss
Kristin Heatherly
Michael Henry *
Joanne Hopkins *
Gabriel Isaacs -
Dahee Jacobs
Jeri-Lyn Jacobs
Hannah Jones -
Dawn Joyce *
Ronald Kaiser
Barbara King
Laurie King *
William Kirtley
Greta Kishbaugh *
Curtis Knowles *
Kiriaki Koymarianos
Jeffery Kronschnabl *
Sunita Kumari
Michael Laverty *
Simeon Liebman
Bonnie Loghry
Elizabeth Lovelady-Alfonso
John Lynn
Elizabeth Lyttle-Bryant
Jun Ma
Nicholas Manias *
Alice Marks *
Ryan Marsh *
Kim Marshall *
James Martin *
Joanna Maza
Bruce McClintock
Lisa McDonnell
John Mcfarland -
William Mcferrin
Lacie Meier
John Meir *
Robert Mertzman *
Kathleen Meyer
Jennelle Miller
Abagail Mills *
Brian Minkin
Wendy Mitchell-Mathews
Janet Modrakovic
David Monroe *
Michele Mont
Kevin Morgan
Robert Mosko -
Richard Musgrave
Paul Myers *
Anita Naravane
Christopher Nichol
Gyldas Ofoulhast-Othamot *
Yuko Okazato
Sharon Olsen
Ryan Oshea
Jack Packer *
Christy Pagano
Nicolle Panuthos
Donald Pearson
Rhonda Peck *
Jeanne Perrone
Alexander Peters -
Myat Ei Ei Phyo *
Angela Piper *
Annette Poirier
Christy Powers *
Tim Price *
Virginia Price
Melita Prins
Marta Przyborowski *
Paula Ralph
Marie Raver
Nick Reithmaier
Wendy Rib
Kelly Rich *
Carolyn Riggs
William Ritchie *
Douglas Rivero
Kathleen Rodgers *
Veronica Rodriguez *
Shelbey Rosengarten
Krishna Sadasivam
Michael Sadler
Lindita Sanxhaktari *
Maura Scanlon
Timothy Scholz *
Stephen Schultz
Anthony Seabrook
Nadeesha Senevirathne -
Alan Shapiro
Risa Shapiro
Lisa Shearin *
Alvin Sheriff *
Constantine Shuniak *
Tony Smith
Paul Sorice
Donald Sprouse *
Kevin Stanley *
Gray Stewart
Katie Strausser
Carly Taft
Carolina Tave
Cary Taylor *
Michael Tedesco *
Laura Templeman *
Janice Thiel *
Glynn Torres-Spelliscy *
Kelly Trombley
Matthew Unger
Margaret Valentino
Elizabeth Van Scoyoc *
Tai Vo *
Sherry Wagner
Dennis Ward
Carter Waterkeyn
Dwayne Welch *
James Welch *
John Westmoreland
Thelma Wharton *
Kristen White *
Antonia Williams -
Sharon Williams
Bridgette Willis *
Boisha Wofford
Timothy Wolter
Airelle Woods -
Jeffrey Youmans *
Jacqueline Zolecki *
Kim Zuber *
  * office located on different campus
  - course information only