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Faculty by Campus

Faculty are listed under the campus locations where they teach, different office locations are noted.

View faculty members that teach online.

Tarpon Springs
Tarpon Springs
600 Klosterman Rd., Tarpon Springs, FL 34683

This campus offers associate, bachelor's and certificate programs. Home to the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art, Fine Arts Education Center and M.M. Bennett Library complex, SPC's Tarpon Springs Campus reflects the community's Greek heritage through building design and the Greek lettering on some of its structures. An amphitheater offers a natural, Greek-style setting for cultural events. The Tarpon Springs Campus opened in 1975.
Julie Anne Adamich-Scheblein
Erida Ajazi *
Osiris Albrecht *
Kari Allen *
Walter Aller
Benjamin Alonzo *
Dennis Apple *
Joseph Arner
Koushik Banerjee *
Penny Barna
Donald Beckett
Dimitrios Begetis
Brian Bell
Marva Berry -
Susan Blanchard
David Blinn *
Lawrence Bross *
Gregory Byrd
Robert Calabrisi *
Melissa Cancel *
Elizabethann Chambers -
Lina Chaves
Jeremiah Cheek *
Joseph Ciccimaro
Amy Clark
Diane Coleman -
Adam Corbin *
Cindy Cressman
Robert Cundiff *
Jessica Curtis *
Melissa Dalhoff
Joi Davies *
Rodrigo Davis
Margaret Delgato *
Julie Dell-Jones *
Maria DeWese -
Denkenesh Dobbins *
Lawrence Ducey *
Jay Dugan *
Errol Dupoux *
Claran Einfeldt
Julie Emerson
Amber Estlund *
Jennifer Fernandes
Jennifer Fernandez *
Anthony Figliomeni
Juan Flores
Shonda Flores *
Deborah Ford
Ross Foultz -
Earl Fratus *
Cynthia Freed *
Karen Fritch
Josephine Fusaro -
Gail Gallagher
Edwin Garcia
Vibhor Gautam
Cher Gauweiler
Emanuel Gerakios
Kenneth Gloger *
Sara Gomez
Scott Goodwyn
Tashika Griffith *
Paola Gruner
Heidi Guirguis
Jennifer Haber
John Hargiss *
Ethan Hart
Sofia Hatziminadakis
Haline Heidinger Abadia -
Nathan Heinze
Karen Hesting
Andrew Heuertz *
Richard Hill
Amy Hlebak
Patrick Horton -
Kathleen Hughes
Wendy Hutkin
Ryan Irving *
Bonnie Jefferis *
Hannah Johnson *
Lori Jones *
Christopher Jordan *
John Just
Mary Kale *
Farah Kashef *
Amy Kelley *
Sherri Kent-Roberts
Jeremy Kerr
Laurie King *
Curtis Knowles *
Robert Krayer -
Sophia Kugeares *
Cindy Kuropas
Valerie Lanham
Stephen Leo
Joseph Leopold
Roxana Levin
Zachary Lewis -
David Liebert
Randolph Lightfoot
Monica Lindemann -
Audra Liswith *
Sarah Lopez *
Cindy Lovell
James Lumia
Amber Mabee
Krista Mallo
Andrea Malmont
Nicholas Manias *
Kim Marshall *
Steve Marshall *
Sidney Martin *
Christopher Martinez
William Mazurek *
Melissa McAllister *
William Mcferrin *
Leigh Mcgregor *
Jennifer Merkling
Georgii Michael
William Mickelsen *
Marie Miller
Luke Mills *
George Mitsis
Marcia Molle
Janice Monroe *
Grace Moore *
Joy Moore *
Basil Moutsatsos
Nancy Munce *
Thomas Murphy *
Anthony Nappi
Nydia Nelson *
Ryan Newell
Tara Newsom *
Phi Nguyen -
Trang Nguyen *
Christopher Nichol *
Jonna Noe
Meghan O'Neill *
Adeniji Odutola
Paul Otero
Jack Packer *
Donald Pearson *
Kimberly Pearson *
Jennifer Peddie *
Mark Peebles
Scott Pelletier *
Angela Piper *
Keayah Pittman *
Orlando Pizana *
Denise Polojac-Chenoweth
Susannah Popa
Gregory Popovich *
Michael Poulin *
Stevie Prettyman *
Bledar Prifti *
Marta Przyborowski *
Lakshminarayan Rajaram
James Ralph
Robert Randelman
Nick Reithmaier *
Michael Repici *
Joshua Richardson -
Chrissy Risberg
Rosa Rodriguez
Andres Rojas *
Tara Roy
Anne Ryan
Lindita Sanxhaktari *
Carol Schmidt *
Michael Servis -
Alan Shapiro *
Monti Sherdiwala *
Travis Short
Susan Shuman
William Siegler
Matthew Sims
Bethany Single *
Alysha Smith
Franklin Smith *
Tony Smith *
Kyle Snitko
Kevin Stanley
Glen Stevens
Kelli Stickrath
Clifford Stodden
Martin Storm *
Carolina Tave *
Cary Taylor
Tracy Thomas
Steven Torres *
Eric Tucker
Angela Tufts
Ann Updegraff
Anthony Valentine
Carlos Villafane *
Sergej Vukota -
James Wallis
Nancy Watkins *
Susan Weber *
Dwayne Welch *
Krystal Weldon -
Sally Wellman
Timothy Widmann -
Pamela Wilkins
Claire Yates
Gabriel Yeager
Jeffrey Youmans *
  * office located on different campus
  - course information only