Ms Cynthia Fox

I have been a teacher and non-profit executive for over 35 years. My teaching career began as a substitute teacher in the Boston Public Schools, the most challenging and rewarding training for an idealistic college graduate. I learned about every neighborhood and every bus and subway connection. I formed a strong belief and commitment to teaching and understanding the world the students lived in---their values,languages, families. Many came to school hungry or tired or simply unprepared. A few years later, I discovered that I could make a great impact by teaching the mothers and fathers of these children. I taught GED courses for many years throughout Boston at community colleges, neighbohood organizations and informal gatherings of mothers. One of the most rewarding informal classese was a group of mother who met in each other's living rooms. I saw first-hand the burning desire these mothers had to learn not just for themselves byt for their children as well. I loved what I was doing.
This same love for lifelong learning led me to the Department of Education and two outstanding non-profits in Boston. I was part of a team that wrote the very first Policy Statement on Adult Education for the Department of Education. It was an enormously exciting time to educate legislators and school committees on the values of literacy and intergenerational literacy. This passion has only grown over the years.
All of these experiences along with a move to Florida where I became an executive director at 211Tampa Bay and Partners in Self-Sufficiency reinforced my commitment to inspiring and motivating minds and hearts!
I face each Intro to Humanities class with excitement knowing that I will meet students who are following their passions to learn and grow. What a great opportunity to learn from them too.