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Jennifer Gregor, MSLS

 Jennifer Gregor, MSLS
Seminole Campus
TL 104a
Assoc Dir, Learning Resources
(727) 394-6184

I am the Associate Director of Learning Resources at the Seminole Campus. I provide campus leadership for the library and learning center that ensures a vibrant, student-centered environment. I am also an adjunct professor teaching courses at the undergraduate level in library science and computer and information literacy.

Before coming to St. Petersburg College, I was the statewide coordinator and trainer for Florida’s virtual reference cooperative, Ask a Librarian.

I obtained my BA in English from Berea College, in Kentucky, and my Masters in Library Science from the University of Kentucky.

I recently joined the Pinellas Weavers Guild to explore my love of fiber arts. I am inspired by this creative community and enjoy taking a break from computers and technology to embrace my creative side!