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Siobhan Peterson

 Siobhan Peterson
Tarpon Springs Campus
LY 207
Adjunct Faculty

Siobhan Peterson joined SPC in 2018 and worked in the Natural Science, EMBA, Mathematics and Arts & Humanities departments at Tarpon Springs as the Administrative Services Specialist.

Siobhan also adjunct teaches Earth Science and Oceanography at SPC.  She has a post-graduate diploma in Environmental Science and GIS (geographic information systems) from Ulster University in Northern Ireland, MSc Oceanography (marine geology & geophysics) from Southampton University in the UK & BSc in Geology from University College Dublin in Ireland.

Siobhan has a long history working in the administrative side of education. She began her educational support career as a GIS Analyst for the Department of Demographics at Chicago Public Schools. Since then she has run her own company, taught English as a Foreign Language in Germany and has been heavily involved in volunteering at local elementary, middle and high schools in the US & Germany. 

Her interests include her family & pets, yoga, reading, kayaking and travel.