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Mrs Lisa Johnson

Mrs Lisa Johnson
Health Education Center  |  Directions & Campus Map
HE 284
Adjunct Faculty, HTF for HEC
(727) 341 - 4166

Instructor Information • Graduated from Alverno College, Milwaukee Wisconsin in 1985 - received a BSN • Graduated from Florida Southern College, Lakeland Florida 2010 - received a Master Degree in Nursing Education • August 2010 to present - Adjunct Instructor Hillsborough Community College various levels • August 2010 to present - Adjunct Instructor various levels St. Petersburg College • Clinical work experience - Medical/Neurology unit, Cardiac Step Down unit, Cardiovascular Surgery Step Down unit, Home Health Nurse, Wound Care, Adult Overflow unit, Charge nurse/management, Home Health Intake Coordinator. Philosophy The clinical experience should be a place where a student strengthens their clinical competences, physical assessment, understanding of the disease process and medications. The student should not be judged on one day’s performance and should be judged by how they develop through the semester. Clinical should be a positive experience and not a place where anxiety and dread occur. Anxiety develops from inexperience or lack of knowledge. The only way to conquer anxiety is to face your fears. I am there to help you conquer your fears and develop your critical thinking skills. I am knowledgeable and experienced but I am human. At times I have to research some disease process and clarify procedures. Nursing and health care is constantly changing and evolving. Learning does not cease after you graduate. Expectations • Be Respectful - to your instructor, peers, staff and patients. • Be on time - Don’t be late to clinical, and with your assignments. • Communicate - I am not telepathic. Please let me know your expectations, concerns and problems. • Life at times can be unpredictable and emergencies can occur, I am willing to change due dates or assist during these unexpected circumstances.