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Dr. Connie Lindmeier

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Health Education Center  |  Directions & Campus Map
HE 253K
(727) 398-8497

Educational Background

PhD in Education, Nursing Education, Capella University
Master in Nursing Education, University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire
Bachelor in Nursing Education, University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh
Associate Degree in Science of Nursing, Minneapolis Community College 

Educational Philosophy 

My philosophy in the educator role is to utilize current best practice that facilitates a student -centered learning environment using active learning strategies.  Instructional strategies such as the flipped classroom, Socrative questioning and even simulation are often the corner stone for the face to face classroom. This evidence-based practice provides expertise, collaboration, inquiry, and knowledge.  Knowledge acquisition manifests through clinical reasoning.  

My desire is to promote excellence in the science of nursing and passion in the art of nursing.  The science requires integration of academic theory into clinical practice through investigation, interpretation and evaluation.  The integration of the science of nursing has three components: 1) expert knowledge in application directed at patient-centered care resulting in optimal patient outcomes, 2) inquiry that insists acquisition of evidence-based practice, 3) improved communication and collaboration and team building with staff and colleagues.  The focus on the art is that students recognize dignity, uniqueness and potential in themselves and in all those they encounter.

As your instructor, I will:
  • Log into this course throughout the semester, every work day from the first day of the course through the last day of the course.
  • Provide you with updates via Course Mail or Announcements as needed
  • Respond to all course mail and voice mail messages within 24 hours Monday through Friday and within 48 hours during the weekend. 
  • Notify you in advance if I will be out of contact for more than two days.
  • Have your assignments and exams graded within 7 business days of the due date.
  • Calculate and enter your grade for this course before the submission deadline so you can view your final grade the next day.
  • Make myself available to you via MyCourses, phone, e-mail, or in-person to help you with this course. My goal is for you to be successful: I am here to help!!
  • Phone: 727-398-8497
  • Online Office Hours: Will be posted in the announcements and will take place via the chat room
  • Email: